Obtaining Non-Identifying Information:
Adopted adults age 18 or older and adoptive parents may obtain
non-identifying information.
Obtaining an Original Birth Certificate:
As of January 1, 2005, adult adopted persons who were born in New
Hampshire have unrestricted access to their original birth
certificates upon request.
Adopted Persons age 18 and over
Adopted persons can obtain the birth certificate application form
Division of Vital Records Administration
Health & Welfare Building
29 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-4650
toll free: 1 (800) 852-3345. ext. 4651
or online from
There is a $12 application fee (which applies whether or not the
birth certificate can be located).
Birth/First Parents
Parents who placed children for adoption in New Hampshire have the
option of stating their preference for contact by the adopted person
an intermediary. There is Contact Preference Form for this purpose
available from the Division of Vital Records.
The Contact Preference Form also gives birth/first parents the
chance to provide updated medical information for the adopted
If a birth/first parent indicates on the form that no contact is
preferred, the medical update must be provided.
Citation: New Hampshire Revised Statutes (1999),
Sections 170-B:1 to 170-B:26